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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Impact of a B in an honors class on GPA?

Feeling a bit anxious here, I got a B in my honors class this semester, and I'm worried about how much this will affect my GPA. Can someone explain how a B in an honors class is typically weighted compared to regular classes, and whether I should be concerned about its impact on my college apps?

11 months ago

Firstly, it's important to remember that getting a B in an honors class is still a good achievement, and it shows you're challenging yourself academically. In many high schools, honors courses are weighted more heavily than standard classes. For example, where a regular class might have a 4.0 scale for an A grade, an honors class could be on a 4.5 or 5.0 scale. This means that even a B in an honors class might be weighted more like a B+ or A- when your GPA is calculated, depending on your school's specific system.

In terms of your college applications, admissions committees understand that students may occasionally receive lower grades in more challenging courses. They value the rigor of your course load as well as your grades. A single B won't make or break your application, especially if your overall GPA remains strong. Keep striving in your future classes and continue to show an upward trajectory in your academic performance. Colleges will look for trends in your grades over time, rather than fixating on a single grade. Lastly, continue to excel in areas outside of your GPA, such as your extracurriculars, essays, and standardized test scores to create a strong holistic application.

11 months ago

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