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In Search of Aesthetics! Most Beautiful US College Campus?

Hey everyone! I'm in the process of touring college campuses online and I'm a sucker for beautiful scenery. Could you guys let me know which US colleges have visually stunning campuses? Believe it or not, it's a factor in my decision-making.

2 months ago

Absolutely, aesthetics can indeed play a role in making a college feel like home! A few campuses that regularly come up as standouts for their natural beauty and architecture include:

- Stanford University: Stanford is known for its palm trees lined Main Quad, Spanish colonial-style architecture, and Rodin sculpture garden.

- University of Colorado Boulder: This campus is situated at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, offering stunning views and outdoor opportunities.

- Pepperdine University: Overlooks the Pacific Ocean in Malibu, California.

- Dartmouth College: The main campus is centered around a large grassy area called The Green, surrounded by beautiful, historical buildings. The campus also has proximity to the Connecticut River and Appalachian Trail.

- University of Virginia: Famous for the Rotunda and Lawn, this campus was designed by Thomas Jefferson.

- Swarthmore College: Known for its Scott Arboretum, it's like a great park with a college in the middle!

- Furman University: Features a lake with a bell tower and a pretty walking bridge, in addition to its Georgian-inspired architecture.

- Lewis & Clark College: Located in Portland, Oregon, this campus offers great views of Mount Hood and has a beautiful estate garden.

Remember, your college experience is about more than just the view, but there's nothing wrong with wanting a pleasing aesthetic! Just make sure you're investigating the programs and resources that matter the most to you as well. It's all about finding the right balance.

2 months ago

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