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Considering HBCU homecomings, what should I expect?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior starting to look at colleges and I'm super interested in the HBCU experience. I've heard a lot about HBCU homecomings being amazing events. Can someone who's been through it give a rundown of what to expect? Like, what's the atmosphere? How should I prepare in terms of fashion and participation? Are they as epic as people say?

11 months ago

Hello there! My daughter attends an HBCU and she has had a blast at the homecoming events! They are indeed as lively and spirited as you’ve heard. Expect a week full of events that celebrate the school’s culture and history, including concerts, step shows, parades, and of course, the big football game. The atmosphere is electric - alumni come back in droves, there’s lots of school spirit, and there's a real sense of community and pride.

For fashion, think vibrant and stylish! People often dress to impress, so you might want to plan your outfits ahead of time. There's plenty of activities that involve student participation, so be ready to join in on things like pep rallies and community service events.

My advice? Get involved in as many events as you can to fully immerse yourself in the experience. It’s a perfect way to connect with the student body and alumni network. If you're a prospective student, it can also be a good time to visit the campus and get a feel for the school vibe. Just make sure to check out the schedule of events and plan accordingly. Enjoy the festivities!

11 months ago

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