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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there any Division 1 HBCUs?

Sports are a big part of my life, and I'm curious if there are any HBCUs that are Division 1 and could offer me the chance to continue my athletic career at a collegiate level. Does anybody know?

a year ago

Hello there! Absolutely, there are quite a few Division 1 HBCUs where you can continue your athletic career. For example, Howard University, Hampton University, and North Carolina A&T State University are all part of the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC), a Division I conference.

There’s also the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC), which includes schools like Grambling State University and Southern University. You'll find that these conferences have great athletics programs. Just make sure you're keeping up with your academics as well, as both are important for a college athlete. Best of luck in finding the right college for your sports and academic goals!

a year ago

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