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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Would attending an HBCU Entrepreneurship Conference benefit my application?

Hey guys, I found out about an entrepreneurship conference at an HBCU and I thought it might be interesting. Do you think participation could strengthen my college application, particularly if I’m considering a business major? Also, would the experience stand out more if it's hosted by an HBCU?

a year ago

Absolutely, attending a conference like the HBCU Entrepreneurship Conference can be a valuable asset to your application, particularly if you’re leaning towards a business major. It signifies to admissions committees that you’re proactive about expanding your knowledge in your field of interest and that you're engaging with communities and current discussions within the business sphere.

Such involvement can be reflective of the engagement level they hope to see from students on their campus. Furthermore, the fact that it's hosted by an HBCU adds a distinctiveness to the experience since it provides a unique perspective on entrepreneurship—one that’s enriched by a diverse set of voices and experiences.

Remember, if you do choose to attend, try to incorporate what you learn into your application essays or interviews to demonstrate the impact the experience had on you. Whether it gave you new insights, inspired a business idea, or grew your network, sharing specific takeaways will show admissions officers that you didn't just attend, but that you also actively participated, and that it contributed to your educational journey.

a year ago

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