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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for experiences at HBCUs in New Orleans!

Hey all, I’m considering applying to HBCUs and I love the vibe of New Orleans. Anyone got stories or experiences to share about the HBCUs there? How's the student life, and what kind of opportunities do these colleges provide for internships and building connections?

a year ago

Hey there! My child is currently attending an HBCU in New Orleans, and I must say, the experience has been incredibly positive. Student life is rich with a strong sense of community and tradition; there's always something happening, from cultural events to Greek life.

With New Orleans being such a cultural hub, there's no shortage of music, art, and festivals to immerse yourself in. In terms of opportunities, many local organizations and businesses value the partnership with HBCUs and often provide internship opportunities to students. These connections can be a real launchpad for career opportunities, especially in fields such as business, communication, and the arts. Networking is a big part of the experience and many alumni remain actively involved, which is fantastic for current students looking to build professional relationships.

Make sure to visit the campuses if you can and chat with current students and faculty to get a real feel for the atmosphere!

a year ago

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