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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does College of Charleston distinguish itself academically or culturally?

So I’ve been sifting through colleges in the South, and College of Charleston caught my eye. I was wondering if anyone knows what makes College of Charleston unique—like do they have standout programs, cool traditions, or a vibrant campus community? Any insider info on what life is actually like there would be super helpful!

a year ago

Hey there! One thing that really stands out about the College of Charleston is its historic campus—right in the heart of Charleston, SC. The blend of modern student life with historical architecture gives it a unique charm.

Academically, their strong programs in Business and Communications have gotten some great reviews, and their marine biology program is pretty top-notch due to the coastal location. One cool tradition is 'Cougar Countdown,' where students destress during finals with fun activities on campus.

Plus, there's a vibrant Greek life and lots of student organizations, so it's easy to find your community. And if you're into the arts, there’s always something happening, from music and theater performances to art exhibits. It’s definitely got that close-knit feel with a lively campus vibe!

a year ago

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