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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can attending an HBCU fair increase my chances of admission?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and I recently heard about a HBCU fair that's happening in my area. Do you think attending could actually boost my admission chances? Also, how should I prepare to get the most out of the experience?

a year ago

Hello there! Attending an HBCU fair can indeed be a beneficial step in your college admissions journey, and it might positively impact your chances of admission in a couple of ways. Most importantly, it illustrates your genuine interest in these institutions. Admissions representatives do take note of students who are proactive and engaged.

Additionally, it's an excellent opportunity to ask specific questions and possibly form a memorable impression with the reps. To prepare, research the schools you're interested in beforehand and come with thoughtful questions regarding their programs, campus life, and admissions process.

Moreover, discuss it beforehand with your counselor to get any particular advice they might have for you based on your specific situation and goals. Bring along a notepad to jot down important information and collect contact info of the reps you speak with to follow up later. Best of luck!

a year ago

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