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Extracurriculars for HBCU Applicants

Hey everyone! I'm doing some planning for senior year and I was thinking about how my extracurriculars could impact my college applications, especially to HBCUs. What kind of extracurricular activities do HBCUs value? Would they prefer community service, cultural clubs, or something entirely different? I want to make sure I'm on the right track. Thanks!

a year ago

I'm delighted to see you're taking a thoughtful approach to your extracurricular planning! Generally, HBCUs, like most colleges, appreciate a well-rounded list of activities, but they are also keen on community engagement and cultural involvement.

Participating in community service projects, especially those that impact underserved communities or highlight social justice issues, can resonate with the mission of many HBCUs. Cultural clubs that emphasize African-American heritage or other minority cultures can also demonstrate a strong alignment with the diversity and history that HBCUs celebrate.

Remember, it's not just about participation but also about the impact you've made and the leadership roles you've taken on. Demonstrating passion and sustained commitment in a few activities often speaks louder than a long list of superficial commitments.

Be sure to also look at specific clubs or programs unique to the HBCUs you're interested in to see if your activities align with campus initiatives. Start thinking along the lines of how you can contribute to the HBCU community, as this perspective is a valuable one in your application. Best of luck!

a year ago

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