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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What should I know about HBCU nursing (BSN) programs when applying to colleges?

Quick question for any pre-nursing or current nursing students at an HBCU—how did you decide that an HBCU was the right choice for your BSN program? Also, what are some things I should keep an eye out for when researching and applying to these programs as a high school junior? Are there unique aspects of HBCU nursing programs I might not find elsewhere?

11 months ago

Hey there! The sense of community and support at HBCUs is something that really stands out. When researching and applying, make it a point to look at the NCLEX pass rates for any program you're interested in, as it's a good indicator of how well the program prepares students for the nursing licensure exam.

Also, check out the clinical rotation opportunities; it's crucial that you get hands-on experience in diverse healthcare settings. Something you'll find unique about HBCUs is their emphasis on serving the African American community and understanding the health disparities that often affect minority populations.

Lastly, don't forget to attend college fairs and open houses specifically for HBCUs, as they can provide a wealth of information and personal experience that can help make your decision easier. Good luck!

11 months ago

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