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Yearbooks in College?

So, we all know about high school yearbooks, but do colleges typically have yearbooks too? I'm big on memories and keepsakes, so having a college yearbook would be pretty neat. Does anyone know how common this is?

2 months ago

Yes, many colleges do have yearbooks! College yearbooks are similar to their high school counterparts, capturing photos, quotes, clubs, sports, and major campus events of the academic year. However, the tradition really varies by campus.

For example, some schools like Harvard University have long-standing yearbook traditions. Their yearbook, The Harvard Yearbook, has been published annually since 1985 and includes sections for each class, college houses, and organizations.

On the other hand, some schools, particularly large public universities, may not have a traditional yearbook due to the size and diversity of their student populations. Instead, these schools might have publications that cater to specific colleges, departments, or clubs.

It's also worth noting that college yearbooks often operate differently than high school ones. While high school yearbooks are typically included in tuition or automatically ordered for each student, college yearbooks are often a separate purchase and production is usually handled by a student-run organization.

The best way to find out whether a college has a yearbook is by checking their website or connecting with the student activities office. If you're keen on having this keepsake, do explore other options as well such as joining the yearbook committee or even starting the tradition if your college doesn't already have one. Just remember to balance this with your other academic and extracurricular commitments!

2 months ago

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