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ACT Writing Test: Which colleges still require it?

Quick question for the community—I’m planning out my ACT dates and wondering if I need to take the writing section. Does anyone know which colleges still require the ACT writing test, or has it become pretty rare?

11 months ago

The ACT Writing Test has indeed become less of a requirement over the past few years. Many colleges have moved towards making standardized tests optional, and this policy typically includes the essay portions of these exams. However, there may still be some programs, particularly those that are writing-intensive, that might recommend or require the Writing Test for a more comprehensive assessment of your skills.

I would suggest making a list of the schools you're interested in and checking their admissions websites or contacting their admissions offices directly for the most accurate information. Keep in mind that while it may not be required, a strong score on the Writing Test can still be a positive addition to your application, especially if you're interested in a humanities or social sciences major where writing is a significant component of the curriculum.

That said, you should focus most of your energy on achieving a strong composite score on the ACT, as that is generally of greater interest to admission committees than the writing portion.

11 months ago

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