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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Balance of Honors Classes in Freshman Year?

Hey everyone, I'm planning my freshman year schedule and feeling a bit overwhelmed with the choices. How many honors classes do you think is manageable in 9th grade? Wanna make sure I don't overdo it but also want to challenge myself!

11 months ago

It's wonderful to hear that you're thinking ahead about your freshman year schedule and aiming to strike that balance between challenge and manageability. The number of honors classes a 9th grader should take can vary based on several factors.

Generally, I recommend starting with 1-2 honors classes in subjects where you feel both passionate and confident. This allows you to gauge the workload and level of difficulty while not overwhelming yourself right at the beginning of high school. As you adjust, you can consider adding more honors classes in your sophomore year.

Remember, high school is not just about taking rigorous courses; it's also a time to explore extracurriculars, develop time management skills, and enjoy learning. And you don't have to max out every category to impress colleges; they're looking for depth in areas where you show strong interest and have personal achievements.

Take the time to find out what works for you, and don't hesitate to discuss this with your family, current teachers, or counselors, who can offer personalized advice based on your specific situation. Good luck!

11 months ago

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