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SAT: 720 math
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Strongest HBCU Architecture Programs?

Aspiring architect here! I've always been interested in attending an HBCU, and as I look towards applying for college next year, I'd love to get some feedback on which HBCUs are known for their architecture programs. Could anyone share details or experiences about campus facilities, internship opportunities, or faculty in those programs? Thanks for your help!

11 months ago

Hello! Your passion for architecture and interest in HBCUs is quite exciting! I can offer some guidance. Howard University is one school that's well-known for its architecture program. The curriculum is comprehensive, blending theory with practical experience, and they emphasize African and African-American design aesthetics which could provide a unique perspective in your studies. Students at Howard have access to modern facilities and can make use of the school's connections for internships, often at top firms in Washington D.C.

Another recommendation is Tuskegee University, which boasts a historic connection to the field; it was where the famous architect Robert R. Taylor was trained. They offer a five-year professional degree program in architecture that is very hands-on and community-oriented. Campus facilities are state-of-the-art, and students regularly engage in design-build projects that can be great for real-world experience. I encourage you to reach out to these programs directly to discuss opportunities for internships and to learn more about faculty credentials. Visiting the campuses can also give you great insight into which environment feels right for you. Good luck on your journey to becoming an architect!

11 months ago

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