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SAT: 720 math
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Roommate dynamics in college?

So, this has been on my mind... do most college roommates become friends? Kinda nervous about that part of life in a dorm room.

2 months ago

Whether you and your college roommate become friends can depend on several factors, including your personality types, interests, habits, and communication styles. While some roommates do become close friends, others may maintain a respectful relationship but not a deeply personal one. Both outcomes are perfectly fine.

That being said, it's crucial to establish clear communication and mutual respect early on, regardless of your friendship status. You'll likely need to navigate discussions about room cleanliness, noise levels, guests, and personal boundaries, all of which can be made smoother through respectful conversations.

One helpful tool is a roommate agreement, which many colleges encourage. This document involves detailing each person's expectations regarding the room and can serve as a reference point if disputes arise.

If you are open to new experiences and willing to compromise where needed, living with a roommate can be a rewarding part of college life, regardless of whether you become close friends.

2 months ago

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