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SAT: 720 math
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Which HBCU is the go-to for Healthcare Administration?

I'm leaning towards a career in healthcare admin and I'd love to go to an HBCU for college. Can anyone recommend an HBCU with a strong Healthcare Administration program or great connections in the health sector?

a year ago

Absolutely! One HBCU that stands out for Healthcare Administration is Florida A&M University (FAMU). Their School of Allied Health Sciences offers a comprehensive Healthcare Management Program, which focuses on both healthcare and business principles.

Another fantastic choice is Howard University in Washington, D.C., known for its strong alliances with healthcare institutions and its track record of producing successful healthcare professionals. Moreover, Howard's location in the nation's capital gives students unique opportunities for internships and networking.

Hampton University is also noteworthy for its established Health Administration programs. When considering these programs, look at the curriculum, faculty experience, and opportunities for practical experience, such as internships or partnerships with healthcare facilities. A little research on each program's specifics can go a long way to finding the best fit for your career goals!

a year ago

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