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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some top HBCUs in Maryland to consider?

Quick question! I'm from the DMV area and thinking of staying close to home for college. Can anyone recommend some good HBCU options in Maryland, and maybe some pros and cons of each if you don't mind sharing?

a year ago

Hey there! In Maryland, you have a couple of great HBCU choices. One notable option is Morgan State University located in Baltimore. It offers a diverse range of programs and has a strong engineering school. Another great HBCU is Bowie State University, known for its education and business programs.

As for pros and cons, Morgan State has a vibrant campus life and strong community engagement, but like any urban campus, you might need to navigate the city environment carefully. Bowie State is more suburban with a tight-knit community and smaller classes, which is great for personalized attention, however, it might not have the same level of resources as a larger university. Have you considered what major or field you're interested in? That might help narrow down which is best for you!

a year ago

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