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When is spring break for most American high schools?

Hey, I’m a curious junior from Canada, when do most high schools in America usually have their spring break? Just wondering how different our schedules are. Thanks!

2 months ago

Typically in the United States, there is no set national week for spring break. However, many high schools tend to schedule their Spring Breaks around March or April. It's quite common for schools to have Spring Break in the week leading up to Easter. But this can greatly vary between states, and even between schools within a state.

For example, some high schools in states like Florida might have Spring Break in early March. These dates often align with popular college Spring Break times given Florida's status as a common Spring Break destination. On the other hand, in states like New York, Spring Break might be in late April. Also, several high schools align their spring break with national holidays, like Presidents' Day in February or Memorial Day in May.

It's interesting to see how different countries and regions have different academic calendars and traditions. Just remember that there's a pretty wide range here, so if you're planning for something specific, always check with the school's official academic calendar for the most accurate information.

2 months ago

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