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HBCUs with reputable Marine Biology programs?

I'm all about the ocean and marine life, and I'm trying to find an HBCU where I can deep dive into Marine Biology. What schools have programs that are strong in this field?

11 months ago

Looking for a program in Marine Biology at a historically black college or university (HBCU) is a fantastic way to combine your academic interests with a culturally enriching college experience. One HBCU known for a strong program in Marine Biology is Savannah State University in Georgia. Their Marine Sciences program is robust, offering hands-on opportunities through their Marine Science Research Institute, which could give you valuable field experience.

Additionally, Bethune-Cookman University in Florida offers a Bachelor's degree in Integrated Environmental Science, which includes a Marine Biology track. Given Florida's diverse marine ecosystems, their location provides an exceptional opportunity for practical experience. Keep in mind when looking at programs that practical work and internships can greatly complement your coursework, so try to find a program that offers these experiential learning opportunities.

Lastly, Howard University, while not offering a Marine Biology degree specifically, does offer a Bachelor of Science in Biology, which could serve as a strong foundation before specializing further in graduate studies. It's important to visit the campuses if possible and talk to professors and current students to get a feel for the program's fit for your academic and career goals.

11 months ago

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