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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the top 25 HBCUs and how are they ranked?

I'm starting to narrow down my college list. I'm curious about the qualifications and metrics used to rank the top 25 HBCUs. What factors should I consider important when looking at these rankings?

11 months ago

Well, the qualifications and metrics used to rank HBCUs can vary depending on the ranking system, but most will consider factors such as academic performance (which could be measured by average GPA scores of admitted students or graduation rates), faculty resources (like student-faculty ratio), financial resources, alumni giving, and retention rates. Some also examine social mobility metrics, or how well institutions support low-income students. U.S. News & World Report, for example, is a common source for such rankings and can be a good place to start.

As for the top 25 HBCUs specifically, keep in mind that while rankings provide a snapshot, they may not fully encapsulate the value an institution can offer you personally. When looking at these rankings, consider how the measured factors align with your own educational goals and needs. Are small class sizes important to you? Is there a particular program or major you're interested in that the school is known for? Also, don't underestimate the value of campus culture and support services, which might not always be reflected in a numerical rank but are crucial to the college experience. I'd recommend checking out each school's official website, talking to current students or alumni, and if possible, visiting campuses to get a better feel beyond the numbers!

11 months ago

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