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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Grammar Dilemma: 'an HBCU' or 'a HBCU'?

Hi guys, quick question, I’m polishing up my admissions essay and I’m stuck on grammar. Should I write 'an HBCU' or 'a HBCU' when referring to Historically Black Colleges and Universities? I want my essay to be error-free and grammatically perfect!

a year ago

Hello there! It's correct to use 'an' before HBCU. The choice between 'a' and 'an' is determined by the sound that follows it. Since 'H' in 'HBCU' is pronounced 'aitch' and begins with a vowel sound, you use 'an'. If the 'H' were silent or pronounced with a consonant sound, 'a' would be the correct choice. So, in your admissions essay, you should write 'an HBCU'.

This attention to detail in your grammar reflects well on your application, as it shows that you've taken the time to review and polish your essay. Just remember that a minor mistake like this is unlikely to be a deciding factor in your application—admissions committees are much more interested in the content and substance of your essay. However, it’s definitely a good practice to aim for grammatical perfection whenever possible. Good luck with your admissions essay!

a year ago

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