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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Frat Life at HBCUs?

Hey everyone! I'm curious about Greek life at HBCUs. How is joining a fraternity different at an HBCU compared to PWIs? And what kind of impact can it have on college life and networking after graduation?

a year ago

Hey there! From what I understand, Greek life at HBCUs is steeped in a rich tradition and plays a significant role in campus life. The fraternities and sororities at HBCUs are part of what are known as the 'Divine Nine,' all of which have an incredible history of cultural and academic contributions to the African American community. As for the impact on college life, it can be profound, offering a sense of identity, community, and support. These organizations often have strong alumni networks that provide mentorship and professional opportunities well after graduation. My niece joined one at her HBCU and she always talks about the doors it has opened for her, both personally and professionally.

a year ago

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