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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What HBCUs have renowned band programs with female drum majors?

Hey everyone, I've been really inspired by the dynamic showmanship of HBCU bands and I'm curious to know which HBCUs might have renowned band programs that have had female drum majors? I play in my high school's marching band and the idea of potentially leading as a drum major at an HBCU seriously excites me!

a year ago

That's a wonderful aspiration, and it's fantastic to hear about your excitement for marching band leadership. Many HBCUs are known for their outstanding band programs. Historically, schools like Bethune-Cookman University and Tennessee State University have had female drum majors. Excitingly, more programs are embracing female leadership in their bands, making for a more inclusive and dynamic environment. I'd suggest you also look at the Southern University and A&M College's 'Human Jukebox' Marching Band, which has been a pioneer in showcasing exceptional talent and has featured female drum majors. Truly, seeing these bands perform is always a highlight at football games, and I imagine being part of one is an incredible experience. Best of luck in achieving your goal; your passion is clearly palpable!

a year ago

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