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What are the standout HBCUs for creative writing?

I love poetry and I'm looking to blossom in an environment that’s nurturing and diverse for college. My dream is to develop my craft at an HBCU, but I'm not sure which ones have strong creative writing programs. Are there particular HBCUs with great faculty, workshops, or a supportive community for aspiring writers?

a year ago

Your aspiration to hone your poetic skills at an HBCU is wonderful, and there are several institutions known for their supportive environments and creative writing programs. Firstly, consider Howard University, which is prominent not only for its esteemed alumni but also for its rich literary community and workshops. Additionally, Morehouse College and Spelman College in Atlanta share resources and often collaborate, offering a dynamic setting for writers. Fisk University, with its connections to the Harlem Renaissance, also provides a historical lens to the study of creative writing and literature. Moreover, Hampton University is known for fostering a supportive community for writers.

Don't forget to look into each of these school's course offerings and any special programs or extracurriculars that could further your development as a poet. Good luck finding the right fit for your creative journey!

a year ago

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