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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does participation in HBCU-focused events benefit college applications?

Hi friends! Just wondering, do colleges value participation in events like HBCU nights or other HBCU-related events during high school? I attended the 'HBCU Night' at a Celtics game and was super inspired by the community and culture. Should I mention this kind of involvement in my applications? Would love to know your thoughts!

a year ago

Absolutely, you should mention it! College applications are your chance to show who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Sharing your experiences with HBCU-focused events can highlight your interests in diverse cultural experiences and communities. This isn't just a random event – it’s something that inspired you, and that's what colleges are looking to understand: what motivates and excites you.

Just make sure to reflect on why that experience was meaningful and how it has shaped you. Was it the community aspect that inspired you, or perhaps the history and achievements of HBCU alumni? These reflections can turn a simple participation note into a compelling part of your story. Keep in mind that colleges appreciate students who show genuine interest in understanding and engaging with diverse cultures and educational settings. Your attendance at such events could show that you are someone who seeks out enriching experiences and learns from them.

a year ago

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