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Track record of high schools producing NFL players?

Hello, I've been wondering whether the high school someone attends influences their chances of becoming an NFL player. Do some specific high schools have a history of producing the most NFL players? Please share your knowledge!

2 months ago

It's true that some high schools, often referred to as "football factories," have richer histories in producing NFL players due to factors like high-quality training, resources, strong athletic programs, and successful coaching staff. However, it's important to note that attending such a school is not a prerequisite for getting to the NFL.

Saint Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is one high-profile example of a school that has produced numerous NFL players. Over their history, they've had 20+ alums reach the NFL, including Pro Bowler Nick Bosa and former Dallas Cowboys center Zack Martin.

Just as another example, Long Beach Polytechnic High School in California also holds a record in sending players to the NFL. DeSean Jackson and JuJu Smith-Schuster, both currently active in the NFL, hail from Long Beach Poly.

Other schools like DeMatha Catholic High School in Maryland and Junípero Serra High School in California have established reputations in developing successful athletes.

However, it's important to emphasize that a player's individual talent, attitude, work ethic, and physical attributes are much larger factors in determining their chances of making it in the NFL than the specific high school they attended. A talented student athlete with dedication and a strong work ethic can emerge from any high school across the country - from small rural schools to large urban ones.

While playing at a high-profile high school might offer more exposure to football scouts, myriad other strategies, like attending college recruiting camps and creating recruitment tapes, can also propel a student athlete into the spotlight. So in essence, success in reaching the NFL is broadly spread and not confined to just a few schools.

2 months ago

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