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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can you tell me how to report AP scores on the Common App?

So, I've taken a few AP exams and I'm not sure where I should report the scores on the Common App. Also, if my scores aren’t that great, should I even report them? A bit stressed about it because I don't want to do it wrong and affect my admissions chances negatively. Any advice would really help!

7 months ago

I understand that the details of the Common App can be stressful, but reporting AP scores is straightforward, and I'm here to guide you through it. On the Common App, you'll find a section designated for 'Testing', where you can report any standardized test scores including those of AP exams. When you add an AP test, you'll simply select the subject, score, and the year you took the exam.

Now regarding whether to report your scores or not, consider the strength of your scores in the context of the colleges to which you're applying. Generally, scores of 4 or 5 are seen as strong and can reinforce your application. If your scores are lower, you may choose not to report them because AP scores are not a major determining factor in admissions and omitting a few less-than-stellar scores won't hurt your chances.

Keep in mind that more competitive schools might expect high scores, but again, your AP courses and grades in those courses are more impactful. Ultimately, focus on the overall strength of your application including your essays, extracurriculars, and letters of recommendation, as these components holistically contribute more to your admissions chances than any single test score. Good luck with your application!

7 months ago

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