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Prominent Evergreen State College Alumni

Who are some of the most famous alumni of Evergreen State College? I might go there, so it would be cool to know about successful individuals who attended.

2 months ago

Evergreen State College has been the educational stepping stone for numerous successful individuals in various fields. Here are a few of those high-profile alumni:

1. Matt Groening - Perhaps the most known alumni, Matt Groening is the creator of the iconic animated shows "The Simpsons" and "Futurama." His creativity and unique style of humor have made these series beloved across the globe.

2. Lynda Barry - An acclaimed cartoonist and author, Lynda Barry is famous for her comic strip "Ernie Pook's Comeek" which gained her a significant following. She's also known for her graphic novels and has even taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

3. Craig Bartlett - An animator notable for creating the TV show "Hey Arnold!" This show was widely popular in the late '90s and continues to be a classic.

4. Michael Richards - An actor known for his role as Cosmo Kramer on the hit television show "Seinfeld." His performance earned him multiple Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series.

5. Benjamin Hammond Haggerty, also known as Macklemore, is a Grammy-award-winning rapper notable for his hits like "Thrift Shop" and "Same Love."

6. Carrie Brownstein - Musician, writer, and actress notable for her role in the punk rock band Sleater-Kinney and as a creator of the sketch comedy series "Portlandia."

These are just a few famous names associated with Evergreen State College, demonstrating the variety of directions alumni have taken post-graduation. Please note that while these individuals attended Evergreen State College, success can be found at any institution and is often a combination of diverse factors including personal drive, dedication, and skills.

2 months ago

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