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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Priciest College on the East Coast?

I'm an East Coaster, and I'm keen on staying close to home for college. I know the cost of education varies greatly, but just out of curiosity, could anyone tell me which is the most expensive college on the East Coast? This would really help me in figuring out the financial range I might be looking at for colleges in the area.

4 months ago

Sure, the cost of colleges does vary greatly. Currently, the most expensive college on the East Coast by list price is NYU, which has a total cost (tuition, fees, room, and board) of $93,184 per year. However, you should also be aware that the sticker price is not always the amount students end up paying. Financial aid packages can substantially reduce these costs for many students, depending on individual family circumstances.

Remember, these prices do not always include personal expenses, such as books, travel, and other necessary supplies or optional activities. These should be factored into your overall college budget as well. Also, keep in mind that costs can increase each year, so the price you pay your first year might not be the same the second year or third year.

It's crucial to look beyond just the sticker price and investigate what financial aid options each school offers. The schools with the highest sticker prices often offer significant need-based financial aid packages. In other words, don't be immediately discouraged by a high list price, as your actual cost could be lower. It's best to use the net price calculator for each school to get a precise estimate based on your family's financial situation.

4 months ago

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