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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which HBCUs are located in Massachusetts?

Hello all! I'm looking to apply to HBCUs and I'm from the New England area. I know most HBCUs are in the South, but does anyone know if there's an HBCU in Massachusetts or nearby? I'd love to stay closer to home if possible but still want the HBCU experience.

11 months ago

Hello there! You're right that the majority of HBCUs are located in the South. As for Massachusetts, there are no HBCUs in the state. The closest HBCU to Massachusetts is probably Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, which is a bit of a journey from New England. If staying close to home is a high priority, you might consider looking at schools that have a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, even if they are not officially HBCUs. Also, consider exploring partnerships or exchange programs with HBCUs that might be offered by colleges closer to you. That could be a wonderful way to experience the culture and connect with the HBCU community while still attending a college near home. Best of luck in your search and applications!

11 months ago

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