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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How can I get leadership experience that colleges will notice?

Hey! I hear a lot about how colleges value leadership but I'm not sure where to start. I'm involved in a few clubs but no officer positions yet. Does anyone have insights on getting those leadership roles or starting my own initiative?

11 months ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're seeking to expand your leadership experience. Officer positions in clubs are a traditional way to show leadership, but you might also consider spearheading a new project or initiative within one of those organizations. This could involve identifying a need that aligns with the club’s mission and proposing a plan. For instance, if you're in an environmental club, you could organize a local clean-up or a recycling program. Starting your own initiative shows exceptional leadership, especially if it addresses a need in your community or school. It could be anything from creating a tutoring program if none exists in your school, to establishing a fundraiser for a cause you're passionate about. Remember, effective leaders are also great team players, so as you work on these projects, ensure that you're involving others and showing your ability to work collaboratively. Colleges often look for these skills as they signal your potential contribution to their community. Start small, be consistent, and your leadership abilities will naturally shine through in your actions!

11 months ago

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