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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for the best HBCU for a chemistry major-Any recommendations?

Hi all, I'm really passionate about chemistry and I'm targeting HBCUs for my undergrad. Is there an HBCU that stands out for its chemistry department in terms of faculty, research opportunities or overall program quality? Any help narrowing down the list would be amazing. Thanks!!

a year ago

Hello! That's a fantastic focus for your studies. When considering HBCUs with strong chemistry programs, Howard University is often highlighted for its comprehensive curriculum and research opportunities, especially since it's recognized as an R1 research institution. Another university to consider is Spelman College, acclaimed for its support and success in producing women of African descent who excel in STEM fields. Additionally, Xavier University of Louisiana is renowned for placing African American students into medical schools and has notable programs in the sciences. It’s a good idea to look into the specific research opportunities that line up with your interests, which can often be found on the department webpages or by reaching out directly. Also, I’d recommend visiting campuses if possible and talking with current students or faculty to get a feel for the community and support you can expect. Remember, finding the best fit also includes considering the campus culture, available resources, and overall environment. Good luck with your search!

a year ago

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