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Are HBCU colleges' acceptance rates competitive?

Ok, so I've been researching a bunch and I'm kinda curious about how competitive HBCU colleges are when it comes to acceptance rates. Does anyone know where I can find accurate and up-to-date information about the acceptance rates for various HBCUs? Also, how do these rates compare with other non-HBCU institutions?

a year ago

Absolutely, I can help with that! Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) indeed vary in competitiveness concerning acceptance rates. For the most accurate information, you could check the individual college websites or use CollegeVine's chancing engine, which offers insights on acceptance rates and admissions data. Additionally, The Common Data Set (CDS) for each college, if they publish it, contains detailed admissions statistics.

In general, HBCUs range from less selective to moderately selective. For example, Howard University, one of the more competitive HBCUs, has an acceptance rate that often hovers around 30-40%, while others may have higher rates upwards of 60-70%. When comparing these rates to non-HBCU institutions, you'll find the spectrum is quite broad as well.

Ivies and other highly selective schools have acceptance rates below 10%, while many state universities and liberal arts colleges range from 20% to 70%. Remember that while acceptance rates offer a glance at competitiveness, they don't provide the full picture of each school's unique admissions process and the holistic review they undertake. Best of luck with your research!

a year ago

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