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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does the cost of attending an HBCU compare to other universities?

Hey friends! I’m seriously considering attending an HBCU, but I need to get a clearer picture of the financial commitment. Could someone share their knowledge or experience with the cost of HBCUs compared to other colleges? Struggling to balance my dream school aspirations with a practical budget here.

a year ago

Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from – balancing dreams with a budget can be tough. The cost of attending an HBCU can be comparable to other public universities, especially if you're looking at in-state tuition. Private HBCUs may be a bit more, but some offer generous financial aid to offset the difference.

Do keep in mind that some HBCUs have strong alumni networks that help with scholarships exclusive to their institutions. It's definitely worth contacting the financial aid offices at the HBCUs you're interested in to get a clearer picture of the total cost and available aid. Don't forget to factor in potential merit scholarships, work-study programs, and other forms of financial aid too.

Comparing it to other colleges, just remember, the sticker price isn't the final cost – financial aid packages can make a huge difference. Take a look at each institution's net price calculator for a personalized estimate of what you might pay after aid. Good luck—I hope you find a great fit that also fits your budget!

a year ago

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