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What ACT score should I aim for to be competitive at HBCUs?

Hey everyone, I'm starting to prep for my ACT and I've got HBCUs on my list of colleges I want to apply to. I know every school is different, but what's a good ACT score range to aim for to be considered a competitive applicant at most HBCUs? Also, do some HBCUs value the ACT more than others?

a year ago

Aiming for a score within the upper range of each HBCU's median ACT scores will make you a competitive applicant. Typically, you'd want to score at least a 21 to be competitive at many HBCUs, with top-tier HBCUs like Howard University or Spelman College often seeing average ACT scores in the mid to high 20s.

It's vital to research the median ACT scores for the specific HBCUs you're interested in, as scores can vary significantly from one institution to another. As for whether some HBCUs value the ACT more, it's not so much a matter of the ACT being valued more but rather about how your score aligns with their admissions profile. Always check the admissions pages of the individual schools or reach out to their admissions office for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

a year ago

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