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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Importance of HBCU band rankings?

I'm super passionate about music and I'm a bit stressed about picking a school with a strong band culture. I saw something about ESPN HBCU band rankings and I'm curious – how much should I weigh these rankings when looking at HBCUs? Anyone know how these rankings are determined and what their impact is on the band culture on campus?

a year ago

Hey there! The ESPN HBCU band rankings can give you an idea of the band's visibility and reputation, but there's more to consider. Rankings are often based on factors like musicality, showmanship, drill and design, percussion, and the band's influence. They matter to an extent, but remember that the band experience also depends on the community, opportunities, and your personal growth as a musician. My advice? Check out performances, talk to current members, and see how the band integrates with the broader campus culture. An active and supportive band community might offer a more enriching experience than a top-ranked band that doesn't align with your personal goals or values. Good luck, and may the music guide you to the right choice!

a year ago

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