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Are there specific scholarships for dance at HBCUs?

Hey y'all, I've been dancing competitively for most of high school, and I'm starting to look at colleges. I'm really interested in attending an HBCU and continuing dance there, either competitively or just as part of a team. Does anyone know if HBCUs offer specific scholarships for dancers? How competitive are they and what’s the application process like?

a year ago

Hi there! What an exciting time as you consider diving into college dance! Many HBCUs do offer scholarships for dance and other performing arts, as they highly value cultural enrichment and diversity in the arts. These scholarships can vary in competitiveness depending on the school and the program's prominence.

The best course of action is to start by checking the financial aid and scholarship pages of the HBCUs you're interested in, which often list available scholarships. Additionally, reach out to the dance departments directly to inquire about any program-specific scholarships that may not be widely advertised.

The application process generally requires an audition either in person or by video submission, along with a portfolio of your work and possibly an interview. You may find it helpful to record several of your performances during junior and senior years to have a variety of material to choose from. It's also essential to demonstrate not just your talent but your academic achievements and career aspirations in dance. Wishing you the very best in this process—break a leg!

a year ago

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