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Considering HBCU for veterinary studies, which are the best programs?

Hey folks! I'm currently a junior and I'm set on becoming a vet. I've been looking into HBCUs with strong science programs, but I'm not sure which ones are known for their veterinary tracks. Can anyone here point me towards the top HBCU programs for an aspiring veterinarian?

a year ago

How wonderful that you're pursuing a career as a vet! HBCUs offer a unique educational experience, and I'm glad to hear you're considering them. Two well-regarded HBCU institutions offering strong pre-vet or related science programs are Tuskegee University and Florida A&M University.

Tuskegee University is particularly notable as it's one of the few HBCUs with a College of Veterinary Medicine, and the program is highly respected. It offers comprehensive hands-on training and a variety of clinical experiences, which would be invaluable for your future career. However, it's essential to remember that these programs can be competitive, so you'll want to ensure your grades, experiences, and standardized test scores are strong.

Also, it's important for you to know that most vet schools look for candidates with substantial animal and research experience. So, while pursuing your undergraduate degree, try to involve yourself in related internships, volunteer work, or research opportunities. This will not only enhance your application but also confirm your passion for veterinary science.

Feel free to reach out to admissions at these institutions and ask any further questions you may have about their offerings. Wishing you the best on this exciting path to becoming a vet!

a year ago

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