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Can anyone recommend HBCU law schools in Florida?

I'm staying earnest during this whirlwind of junior year, but starting to narrow down my college list. I have my eye on Florida, and I'm keen on the idea of attending an HBCU for law. Does anyone have experience with or knowledge about HBCU law schools in Florida? Any help would be amazing!

a year ago

It's super cool that you're considering HBCUs for your law school journey! In Florida, however, you won't find a law school that is part of a Historically Black College or University. Despite this, you might want to expand your search a bit—there are HBCU law schools in nearby states you can consider, like the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University and the Southern University Law Center in Louisiana.

Now, if you're set on studying in Florida, there are other reputable law schools which offer a strong sense of community and are known for their diversity and inclusiveness. It's always valuable to visit campuses if you're able to, as this can give you a better feel for the school's environment.

And remember, the most important factors when choosing a law school should align with your academic interests, career goals, and personal values. Hope this helps out a bit and keeps you excited about your law school path ahead!

a year ago

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