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How much revenue do college football programs usually generate?

I am kind of curious about how much money college football programs make. Is there a wide range between colleges or do they generally make around the same amount of money?

4 months ago

The amount of revenue that college football programs generate can vary greatly, mostly depending on the size, reputation, and location of the school, as well as the conference in which it competes.

For instance, programs in the Power Five conferences (the SEC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12, and ACC) typically generate the highest revenues. These schools not only have larger stadiums and more ticket sales due to stronger fan bases, but they also receive larger payouts from TV contracts and bowl games. For example, the University of Texas – a member of the Big 12 – reported over $270 million in athletic department revenue in 2023, with a major portion of that coming from its football program.

On the other hand, programs in the Group of Five conferences (AAC, C-USA, MAC, MWC, and Sun Belt) might generate considerably less revenue. These schools often have smaller stadiums, which results in less ticket sales, and receive smaller shares from TV contracts and less lucrative bowl game appearances. Some successful Group of Five football programs, though, can still generate substantial revenue. For instance, the University of Central Florida (UCF), part of the AAC, reported nearly $85 million in athletic department revenue in 2023, making it one of the highest earning non-Power Five programs.

However, it's key to note that while some college football programs do generate significant amounts of revenue, the costs of running these programs can also be quite high. These costs include coaching salaries, facilities maintenance and upgrades, scholarships, travel, and more. In some cases, the expenses can be fairly close to, or might even exceed, the revenue generated by the program. In other cases, a successful football program can greatly benefit a university's overall budget.

4 months ago

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