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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Music Programs at HBCUs: Any recommendations?

Hello fellow musicians and college aspirants! As an aspiring musician and high school junior, I'm curious about the music programs across HBCUs. Does anyone have experience or know which HBCUs have robust music departments that could help kickstart a career in music?

11 months ago

Hey there! I can definitely point you to some HBCUs with strong music programs. Howard University is renowned for its music department, especially for jazz studies. They have produced a number of successful musicians, and their alumni network is pretty impressive, which could be invaluable in your future career.

Another school worth looking at is Spelman College, which has a great program and close ties with Morehouse and Clark Atlanta University, allowing for a more vibrant musical community. Lastly, don't overlook North Carolina Central University; their jazz program has received accolades and produced some notable jazz musicians.

It'll be important for you to visit these campuses if possible and speak with the faculty and students to get a real feel for the programs. Also, look into the performance opportunities, ensembles, and the professional paths that alumni have taken. This research will help you find a program tailored to your goals. Hope this helps, and good luck with your career in music!

11 months ago

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