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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's it like attending an HBCU in the Washington, D.C. area?

I'm super interested in the unique culture and opportunities at HBCUs and was looking specifically at the ones in the Washington, D.C. area. Can anyone shed some light on the pros and cons, internship opportunities, and community involvement there?

a year ago

Hey there! Many students at HBCUs in the D.C. area have really enriching experiences. One of the major pros is the sense of community and belonging; students often feel connected to the culture and history there. In terms of cons, resources can sometimes be limited compared to larger schools, despite the strong support systems often found on campus.

As for internships, being in D.C. opens up a ton of doors—there are countless opportunities with nonprofits, government agencies, and private companies. Being at an HBCU has also provides students with a unique perspective that stands out to employers.

Plus, the community involvement is phenomenal. HBCUs in that area are deeply connected with the local communities, offering plenty of ways to get involved and make a difference. From volunteering in local schools to participating in community outreach programs, students are able to engage in ways that are both fulfilling and beneficial to personal growth. There's a rich environment for both professional development and cultural experiences. Hope this helps!

a year ago

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