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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the National Honor Society of Leadership and Success?

Can someone fill me in on what the National Honor Society of Leadership and Success entails? Is it similar to the other honor societies and how would being a member make a difference for my college apps?

a year ago

The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is a nationwide organization designed to provide leadership development opportunities for students. It operates chapters across various colleges and universities. Membership is typically offered to students who have demonstrated strong academic performance and leadership potential.

As for its similarity to other honor societies, the NSLS focuses more on building leadership and success skills through participation in diverse events, speaker broadcasts, and networking opportunities. In relation to college applications, membership alone may not significantly enhance your application, especially if it's not accompanied by active involvement and tangible accomplishments within the organization.

If you can demonstrate a leadership role or meaningful projects you've completed through NSLS, that would cast a better light on your participation. However, it's important to consider where involvement in NSLS fits within your overall range of extracurricular activities, ensuring that you are genuinely interested and engaged rather than simply trying to fill your application with impressive-sounding memberships.

a year ago

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