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What are the most popular colleges for Indiana highschool seniors?

Out here in Indiana, it seems like everyone has the same select schools in mind. But I'm curious about the broader picture. What colleges are most often chosen by high school seniors in Indiana?

2 months ago

While not every student in Indiana has the same college aspiration, some patterns do emerge when looking at where Indiana high school graduates end up attending college. In no specific order as popularity can fluctuate, some popular in-state options include Indiana University (IU) at Bloomington and Purdue University. These are large public universities that offer a wide range of majors and have strong reputations in various fields. IU is often praised for its programs in business and music, whereas Purdue is recognized for its engineering and science programs.

Outside of public universities, a significant number of students also gravitate towards private schools like Butler University, which excels in Pharmacy and Dance, and the University of Notre Dame, known for its strong programs in business and architecture.

As for out-of-state choices, popular options often include University of Kentucky, University of Cincinnati, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, mostly due to proximity and reciprocal tuition agreements or regional tuition discount programs.

However, this is just an overview—every student's college choice will be influenced by their individual circumstances, interests, and academic goals. Remember to choose a college for how well it fits you, not just for its popularity.

2 months ago

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