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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on HBCUs with awesome film majors?

Currently in my junior year and obsessed with all things film. I’m trying to find an HBCU with a good film major that offers hands-on experience, industry contacts, and solid storytelling courses. Has anyone studied film at an HBCU here who can share their experiences or maybe offer some advice?

a year ago

Hey there! Howard University's ranking among HBCUs is consistently high, and their film program doesn't disappoint. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of filmmaking, as well as hands-on projects that really allow students to dive in and get creative. Also, being in Washington, D.C. provides a unique backdrop for story inspiration and industry contacts.

Students often speak highly of the faculties' industry experience and the mentorship they offer. I think visiting the campuses could be a great way to get a feel for the programs. And don’t hesitate to reach out to the admissions office to connect you with a current film major who can share their insights. Hope this helps, and all the best in finding a program that fits your passion for film!

a year ago

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