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Where can I find info on the best HBCU women's basketball teams?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior in high school and basketball is really important to me! I'm starting to look into colleges and I’m specifically interested in which HBCUs have strong women’s basketball teams. Does anyone have a list or some opinions on which HBCU women's basketball teams are the best? Any personal experiences or stats would be amazing.

a year ago

Hey there, it's fantastic that you're looking to combine your passion for basketball with your college search! When it comes to HBCU women's basketball teams, a great place to start is the NCAA website, where you can find statistics, rankings, and records for college teams, which includes those from HBCUs. Look specifically at Division I and Division II team stats, as most HBCUs will compete at these levels.

Additionally, you may want to check out the websites of individual HBCUs with basketball teams to learn about their program history, coaching staff, and recent performances. Also, reputable sports news websites like ESPN's women's basketball section could have information and rankings that could aid in your search. They sometimes feature stories or rankings specific to HBCUs.

Another useful step would be to reach out directly to the schools' athletic departments or basketball coaches. They can provide you with information on their team's competitiveness as well as insight into what it's like to be a student-athlete at their institution.

Remember that while a strong basketball program is important, you'll want to ensure the schools you're considering are a good fit academically and culturally for you. While the excitement of being part of a great team is undeniable, the overall college experience encompasses so much more. Best of luck in finding the right HBCU with a dynamic basketball team that fits your academic and athletic needs!

a year ago

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