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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Does anyone know any HBCUs offering a strong neuroscience program?

Hey y'all, I've got a passion for brain science and I'm trying to find an HBCU with a robust neuroscience program. Any current students or alumni here who can shed light on the neuroscience offerings at your HBCU? How's the research and mentorship scene?

a year ago

Absolutely, there are several HBCUs with strong programs that could cater to your interest in neuroscience. For instance, Howard University offers a comprehensive B.S. in Psychology with a track in Neuroscience, enabling students to delve into neuropsychology, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology. Their faculty are involved in research in various aspects of neuroscience, which would allow for hands-on experience and mentorship opportunities.

Alternatively, Spelman College has been recognized for its rigorous natural sciences programs, and while it doesn’t offer neuroscience as an independent major, it does provide a solid foundation in biological sciences with courses related to neuroscience. Research opportunities at Spelman are known to be ample, and many students engage in projects that are interdisciplinary, sometimes combining areas like psychology and biology, which could be beneficial for a budding neuroscientist like yourself. I would recommend reaching out directly to these institutions to learn more about their specific program offerings, faculty interests, and research facilities.

a year ago

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