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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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HBCUs in the DC or DMV Area?

Junior here getting a head start on the college search. I'm looking to stay close to home and I'm interested in attending an HBCU. Are there any HBCUs in the Washington DC or DMV area that you guys recommend? Looking for personal experiences or what makes these schools stand out. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! As a parent of a college student, I can share that the DC/DMV area has some of the most celebrated HBCUs in the country. Howard University, located right in D.C., is well-known internationally and offers a rich history alongside strong academic and social communities.

My nephew attended Howard and spoke highly of its empowering atmosphere and the professional opportunities that came with being in the nation's capital. Another choice is Bowie State University in Maryland, just a short drive from DC. It's known for a tight-knit community and has strong programs in education and cybersecurity. My child considered both of these schools and was really impressed during campus visits – the energy and support among students and faculty is palpable.

If you have the opportunity to visit these campuses, I definitely recommend it; there's nothing quite like getting a feel for the environment yourself and seeing if it clicks with you. If personal development and being in a space that celebrates African American heritage is important to you, I'd say these schools could be a wonderful fit. Best of luck in your search!

a year ago

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