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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the vibe at HBCU tailgate events?

So I've seen in movies and heard that tailgate parties at colleges are epic, but I don't really know what they're like at HBCUs. Can anyone from an HBCU share what the tailgate tour is like? Is it a good way to meet people and get feel of the campus life there?

a year ago

Oh, the HBCU tailgate experience is definitely something special! My daughter attends an HBCU, and she always speaks with such excitement about the sense of community and energy at these events. Tailgates at HBCUs are like a big family reunion where everyone from current students, alumni, to faculty and local community members come together. There's always a variety of amazing food, music that'll make you want to dance, and a celebration of culture and tradition that's unique to each school.

It’s an excellent way to meet people and really soak in the spirit of the campus. Plus, the marching bands bring a level of performance that's just unparalleled—seriously, the halftime shows can be as exciting as the game itself! For anyone looking to connect with campus life and enjoy a good time, an HBCU tailgate is the place to be. Just be ready to socialize, indulge in some great eats, and maybe learn a step or two!

a year ago

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