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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's the best way to get involved in HBCU recruitment fairs?

I want to network and get noticed by HBCUs. Does anyone have tips for making the most out of HBCU recruitment fairs?

a year ago

To make the most out of HBCU recruitment fairs, it's crucial to come prepared. Before attending, research the HBCUs that will be present to understand their programs, campus culture, and what they're looking for in students. Have a list of questions ready for the representatives about academic programs, scholarships, and campus life. Dress professionally to make a good impression and bring multiple copies of your resume or a summary of your academic achievements and extracurricular involvement to leave with the recruiters.

As a high school counselor, I always advise students to follow up with representatives after the fair to reiterate their interest and keep the connection alive. Also, take advantage of workshops or seminars at the fair; they can be a great opportunity to learn more about the application process and financial aid. Remember, recruitment fairs are as much a chance for you to interview the schools as they are for the schools to meet prospective students, so engage actively and use this opportunity to find the best fit for you.

a year ago

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